Truth in lending "trigger terms"MUST disclose amount or % of down payment and terms of repayment and APR spelled out
Companies could improve and implement differentiated services for customers.
What could probably happen is that tour companies offer a personalized service, faster and cheaper with the possibility of purchasing a skycar and jet, as hotel guests usually make a tour itinerary that requires high mobility costs, therefore offering this differentiated and cheaper service directly at the establishment would mean a focused differentiation strategy that would add several benefits, such as increased profitability and customer loyalty.
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Sexual Harassment
Based on the information provided within the question in regards to the situation at hand it can be said that Connie's experiences are best described as Sexual Harassment. This term refers to when another person exhibits inappropriate sexual remarks or behavior towards you in a professional or social situation. Which is what Connie's boss is doing by making inappropriate sexual advances towards here after she explicitly told him to stop.
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New wants continue to develop and willingness to meet them is limited.
Scarcity arises because of -'Unlimited Wants', but 'Limited Resources' having 'Alternative Uses'.
Wants are different from needs: needs are basic but wants are not basic - eg food is need but pizza is want. So, the basic essence of wants is that they are ever increasing. Contrasting to these never ending wants, resources are unlimited & have alternative uses. Eg- Land may be used to create industries or houses, it is limited in contrast to its unlimited want.