I like this picture, but _____ is a lot better.
C. nos
An indirect object pronoun is used to tell us<em> to whom</em> or <em>for whom</em> something is done. In this case, I went to school to our first class of the year, so the profesor talked about the rules of the University. Since the action is being performed for us, that is, he talked to a group of students, then we choose the indirect object pronoun that matches the first person plural, which is nos. Therefore:
<em>Ayer fui a nuestra primera clase del año y el profesor </em><em>nos</em><em> habló de las reglas de la universidad</em>
It's b) Vas a comprar un vestido
1. Hola, me llamo *your name* (Hi, my name is *your name*)
2. Me cepillo los dientes (I brush my teeth)
3. Antes de cepillarme los dientes, me baño (Before I brush my teeth, I shower)
4. Después de cepillarme los dientes, me visto (After I brush my teeth, I get dressed)
The translation of fancy depends on the context.
If you mean fancy as in high quality, then the translation would be lujoso.
If you mean fancy as in elaborate, then the translation would be extravagante.
I hope that this helped!