1. washing machines
2. refrigerators
3. electric stoves
In central and South America, there are various people who falls into various economic level with some being poor and others being rich who could afford various nice things life has to offer.
<em>Averagely, the poor people live in the less developed areas and could not afford some of those things like electric stoves, refrigerators etc which those who live in well developed areas could afford.</em>
The verb tener conjugated as tengo
Yo-go verbs are irregular verbs conjugated in the simple present. If you want to conjugate this type of verbs, you just need to take away the ar, er, ir ending and add go to the end of the word. In this exercise, we have the following paragraph:
<em>Buenas noches, me llamo Jorge y tengo dieciséis años. Mi rutina de todas las tardes es ir a la práctica de béisbol. Tengo una pelota de béisbol favorita. Yo practico el béisbol los siete días de la semana. Después de la escuela, me lavo las manos. Luego, me lavo la cara. Como con mi familia. Luego, me peino y me miro en el espejo. Los sábados me afeito la cara.</em>
The following list are the conjugations of verbs in the simple present for the first person singular (yo):
- Tengo
- Practico
- Lavo
- Como
- Peino
- Miro
- Afeito
From the list, the only conjugation that has a go-ending is tengo
CONCLUSION: The verb tener is a "yo-go" verb.
1. (En mis dias libres, yo me levanto y salgo de la cama a las 9:30am. En mis dias de trabajo, me levanto y salgo de la cama a las 5:45am.)
2.( La primera parte de mi cuerpo que me pudiera doler con el flu es mi garganta.)
3.(Me levanto de la cama, uso el bano, me cepillo los dientes y despues regreso a la cama para descansar.)
4.(Me quitare la ropa de trabajar y si no eh comido cena, comere cena, me cepillo los dientes y me ire a la cama.)
5.(Me quedo dormida a la media noche y voy a la cama al rededor de las 10:00pm.)
My first language is Spanish.
in number 9 just put whats in blank " te afeltas"
in number 10 in blank put "se baña"
in number 11 in blank put " se acuestan"
in number 12 in blank put " se lava"