<span>B. Singular subjects need singular verbs while plural subjects need plural verbs.
The agreement consists in that the number of the verb and the number of the subject need to be the same: if the subject is singular the verb has to be singular, and if the subjetc is plural the verb has to be plural.
Verb-subject disagreement is a grammatical error.
D. “in groves all around Basra grow the best dates in the world”
Perspective based on the question could either be subjective or objective, subjective perspective has to do culled or extracted opinions based on personal volition, belief or desire. In most cases, subjective opinions aren't physically measurable as facts used to backup such opinion might be based on sentiment or exposure. Objective perspective on the other hand is usually well established as opinions of this sort can be physically evaluated. Hence, from the passage, the sentence, “in groves all around Basra grow the best dates in the world" is based on subjective perspective.
I believe it is best to own a house because you don't have to worry about rent, you would be able to save a lot more money. But even though you could save money you would be responsible with any issues your house has (like leaks, rotten floors etc.) although as long as you keep your house clean and in good shape you are more likely to be fine and have no financial issues. 62.1% of people in the U.S own their own households because of the save in money. The other 37.9% rent their homes, most likely because of lack of money. Owning your household helps a lot with stress as well according to mental health doctors, owning a house takes down a little over 30% of stress over money.
The correct option is: c
Documented cases have shown eyewitnesses adding detail to testimony.
According to the text provided, when a witness repeats the accounts of an event, it´s very likely that some details will be added, as memory changes over time, especially the more a story is retold. Furthermore, the more a witness's description is repeated, the less reliable it is.