నైపుణ్యం కలిగిన సిబ్బంది ఎంత సంతోషంగా ఉన్నారు!
ఇప్పుడు సాధించినది కేవలం విషయం,
సిబ్బంది అర్థం కాదా అని నన్ను ఆశ్చర్యపరుస్తుంది.
శాశ్వత గుమాస్తాలు ఎంత సంతోషంగా ఉన్నాయి!
గుమాస్తాలు మిమ్మల్ని వణికిపోతాయా?
నేను సహాయం చేయలేను కాని ఉన్ని స్పందనదారులను చూడలేను.
డౌన్, డౌన్, స్పందనదారుల చీకటిలోకి,
శాంతముగా వారు వెళ్తారు - గందరగోళం, గజిబిజి, హిర్సూట్.
It’s not good enough but gives u a idea
Can you translate this to english please
Well it started when Eris, the goddess of discord, wasn't invited to a party (a wedding or something along those lines). In anger, she created a golden apple, barged into the party, and threw it into the center of the table, saying "this apple is for whoever is the fairest." To summarize, three goddesses fought over the right to the apple. They decided that they should have someone choose instead of just fighting over it. The man that picked who deserved the apple was mortal, and he chose Aphrodite because she promised him the most beautiful woman of all.
The mortal did get Helen, but she was actually the soon to be wife of a very important King. The King thought she was kidnapped and this huge war broke out for over 8 years over Helena, Queen of Troy.
They have helped in providing relief materials and support
In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, many people like Sonia Negrón Bell with friends and relatives in Puerto Rico have done a lot to offer their support. This support include provision of different materials such as food, shelter, clothing and generators.
The hurricane brought about power outage in the region affected which was the reason why generator sets were provided as an alternative.