King Leonidas was an ancient Greek king
In order to become President of the United States, you must:
*Be 35 years or older
*Be a resident of the United States for at least 14 years
*Be a natural-born citizen of the United States
Informal Qualifications:
*The President should be Charismatic
*Military or Politically experienced
*A skilled debater
*Have politics that align with one of the Political parties
Article II of the United States Constitution
It taxed the crud out of people, while instilling fear in them.
This made it wealthy and influential.
The tactic, Germany First was where the allies concentrated on Germany, as they theorized that Germany would be a long-lasting affect compared to Italy or the Japanese Empire. One of their strategies was to outlast Germany, constantly pouring resources into the war effort, while blockading Germany. America's power of mechanical manufacturing was also a major point in the war in Europe. They really just pushed through the German lines with sheer numbers.