A final class is something like sealed one and no one can inherit that further.
it is useful to lock our code or functionality from others
All of them execpt five and three.
It is okay to have social media and receive messages.
Gestures is the name of the Mac feature that makes these finger motions available to perform specific functions on a Mac OS system:
Proper Authentication is required. Not all the people should get all the data. If this is the case then you are definitely going to find that data protection is breached. We need to define each user's role as well as privileges clearly or else we are definitely going to suffer. Always ensure proper authentication.
We need to define each user's roles and privileges. And that can be done through Authentication and Authorization,
Answer: Backtracking
Backtracking algorithm approaches a solution in a recursive fashion whereby it tries to build answers and modify them in time intervals as we progress through the solution. One such backtracking algorithm is the N Queen problem whereby we place N Queen in a chessboard of size NxN such that no two queens attack each other. So we place a queen and backtrack if there is a possibility that the queen is under attack from other queen. This process continues with time and thereby it tends to extend a partial solution towards the completion.