your bad god blast you you don't even know that ._.
Hey aren't they the same thing but I will still answer I go for b
3 Feet
If one inch is 1.5 Feet, two is just doubling the previous answer. So 3.
If I had 4 Inches, I would have 6 Ft. because you are just adding 1.5 to your previous answer.
Answer: The internet.
There are just too many advantages. The internet can provide information that teachers just can't give. Teaching is just a one man band, and what that one person knows is what that one person teaches. However, the internet collects data and knowledge from people all over the world. You have libraries, museums, and schools all in the palm of your hand.
basically, the quote is saying to take the unlucky bad things and make something good outta it. when life gives you lemons means when life gives you hardships. you make lemonade means you make something good out of the hardships. Hence the meaning of "when life gives you lemons you make lemonade."