Benvolio thinks that Romeo should go to the Capulet party, if only to see all of the beautiful girls. He should forget Rosaline and allow his eyes to wander freely. By giving liberty unto thine eyes.
The abstract noun in the sentence would be “pressure”.
Have a good day buddy
In your essay give specific details and don't vague if it is not related to the topic you are writing about, is not important.
C. "live deliberately" and experience life more fully."
Technical writing<span> is a type of </span>writing<span> where the author is </span>writing<span> about a particular subject that requires direction, instruction, or explanation. This style of </span>writing<span> has a very different purpose and different characteristics than other </span>writing<span> styles such as creative </span>writing<span>, academic </span>writing<span> or business </span>writing<span>.</span>