We must order these decimals from least to greatest. Then we must determine how the least compares with the winning score.
9.80 -> 3
9.75 -> 1
9.79 -> 2
9.81 -> 4
The least decimal is 9.75. Now we must determine how 9.75 compare with the winning score.
The last swimmer must get a score less than 9.75 seconds in order to win.
Check the intersecting lines with the corner of a piece of paper to ensure the lines create 90° angles. Check the distance along the lines at several places with a compass to ensure they are the same length.
The last step is
using the budget
First to answer
of the chocolate cake was eaten
of the red velvet cake was eaten
of the white cake was eaten.
Step by step explanation:
I subtracted the whole amount of cake by what was left.
You multiply the whole number and multiply the denominator (the bottom one of the fraction) then you take the product and add the numerator (the top one of the fraction). That's how you get an improper fraction. Then once you get and improper fraction, you divide the numerator and denominator by their common factors. That's how you simply a mixer number.