I would say its c Superlative
He would benefit from seeing a live performance because he could then see experienced actors play out the emotions, therefore giving him a more in-depth look on the feelings. This would make his essay much more fleshed out and analytical.
Simile and Personification
A <em>simile </em>is when you compare two things using the words like or as.
"The sun was like a staring eye."
A <em>personification </em>is when you give human characteristics to an inanimate object, or an object that wouldn't otherwise have those traits.
"It glared down at Hector in disaproval."
The sun can't physically glare at someone.
An apostrophe is usually used to show possesion.
Logos is an appeal to logic and is a way of persuading by reason. Concession is useful because sometimes to win you need all the assets in the room, and one of the best resources comes straight from the others mouth. It allows room for your opponents ideas and audiences beliefs. You're bridging truths to get to your point.