prejudice and narrow-mindedness
In "The Wife of Bath's Tale," which of part of "The Canterbury Tales," by Geoffrey Chaucer, the Knight is ordered to find out what women most desire. That is how he meets the Wife of Bath. She is a well-off woman who has been married before, so she is quite experienced in love and sex matters. She is also wise, talkative and quarrelsome. Her previous marriages have made her able to supply for herself in a time in which women had little autonomy and strength. As a result, she is used to using her body to manipulate her husbands.
Answer choices:
Many- the phrase "very many makes sense.
A little- the phrase- "very a little" doesn't make sense.
A few- the phrase "very a few" doesn't make sense.
Some- the phrase "very some" doesn't make sense.
Less- the phrase "very less" doesn't make sense.
Fewer- the phrase "very fewer" doesn't make sense.
Several - the phrase "very several" doesn't make sense.
Much- the phrase "very much" makes sense.
However, taken in context, much is correct in this sentence.
We don’t get very many mail on Saturdays; most of it comes during the week.
We don’t get very much mail on Saturdays; most of it comes during the week.
Yes, the boys are fearing the unknown rather then the beast.
Also No, because they are not sure if the beast exists. The beast is depicted differently to everyone.