Get in touch with your local Jehovah's Witness branch. They can give you an earful on this subject.
They have religious reasons for objecting to transfusions. When it comes to children, the courts have overruled them saying that the welfare of the child is more important than any medical objection or argument that the witnesses may have.
People with Leukemia at some point in course of their disease, may need a transfusion. Nothing else will do. The cells in blood fight foreign antibodies and transport oxygen to organs that need it. If a patient's own blood can't do it, then a transfusion becomes necessary.
The courts have a right to dictate terms when children are involved. The courts do not have the same right with adults. If an adult chooses to end the suffering, they have that right. There even comes a point (in Canada at least) where death is an option. But an individual patient must give knowledgeable consent to taking his own life.
So medicine has a say in some things and not in others. In the United States, the population has not given up on the rights of the 1st amendment. And medicine can override even those rights.
Civil law
Civil law deals with the behavior that constitutes an injury to an individual or other private party,such as corporation.Examples are defamation,breach of contract,negligence resulting to injury or death and property damage.
With over-speeding its a form of negligence that may result to injury or death and may even damage property if an accident happens.In civil cases,they are always decided by judges and the punishment is almost always consist of monetary awards and not consist imprisonment.
Constitution is a very long and detailed document . Therefore it needs to be amended quite regularly to keep it updated. The constitution described the institutional amendments in a very legal language. The basic institutional design is not very difficult to understand . Like any constitution Indian constitution lays down a procedure for choosing persons to govern the country. It defines who will have how much power to take decisions. And it puts limits to what government can do by providing some rights,
I’m pretty sure Nike will set it at a high price at first but once the demand gets lower they would set it at a lower price.
He says it to try a build out country as a team