An island of development promotes economic development through the creation of specific goods which can only be found on one island this makes them competitive in a certain aspect; when selling certain goods and this in end effect enables them to sells certain goods which no other people are able to sell.
<h2>Adopted a free market approach to their economy.</h2>
This free market policy was also supported by their government, who believed that it was the right way to grow as a industrial society, which worked, because Britain had first industrial revolution that United States.
The American Revolution could have been won without any aid that they been left complete by themselves. The crisis during this revolution was already before the military forces had provided by any help and aid, that came from abroad nevertheless this help was welcome gratefully. They would have won American revolution all by themselves but where happy to receive help from abroad. In which France was the first to shake hands on this later joined by Spain, Holland and Prussia.
The correct anwers is in 1982 that non-citizen children of illegal immigrants (children born in another country and brought into the U.S. by their illegal immigrant parents) must be given a free K-12 education
to instill citizens with knowledge to better participate in government and the economy
The purpose of public school funding is to achieve social quality for each and every student; to systematically ensure the appropriation of the knowledge accumulated by mankind; develop the various skills; contribute to the integral development of the historical subject; to have a cohesive, coherent and consistent worldview; solving individual, group and collective conflicts; based on ethical values; stimulate, promote and facilitate the process of collective construction, participatory in society to maintain and / or transform it in a conscious, critical, creative and responsible way.