La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Desafortunadamente, tu pregunta está incompleta. No incluiste los datos de la lectura anterior. Sin esa información, ¿cómo sabemos de los que estás hablando?
Lo único en lo que te podemos ayudar es con las características de un buen organizador gráfico para que tú lo elabores.
Recuerda que los organizadores gráficos te sirven para estructurar correctamente tus ideas y presentarlas de forma clara y secuencial, agrupando temáticamente tus conceptos.
Si la información de tu lectura se trata sobe "La Visión Lineal del Tiempo," entonces lo que puedes hacer es poner un cuadro con ese título en la parte de arriba, y centrarla. De ese cuadro se desprenderían otros tres cuadros en la parte media que serían: la "Visión Social," la "Visión Política," y la "Visión Espiritual." Y dentro de cada uno de esos recuadros, poner tres características principales que definan cada una de esas visiones del tiempo.
Supply and Demand Effects farmers in various ways:
- Demand Increase: Price increases, Quantity increases.
- Supply Increase: Price decreases, Quantity increases.
- Demand Decrease: Price decreases, Quantity decreases.
- Supply Decrease: Price increases, Quantity decreases.
Supply and demand, as well as market prices, will rise and fall until they achieve a balance, which is called market equilibrium. As a response to decline the sales, farmers will have to lower the prices until the demand for product increases.
If a farmer set a price which is too high, thus the demand will decrease. If the market price is high, the interest of producers for a certain product or service will increase.
It is not correct because humans and dinosaurs did not exist during the same period.
differed from one another
1. Absolute monarchy, or absolutism, meant that the ultimate authority to run a state was in the hands of a king who ruled by divine right. Divine right was the claim that a king was given his position by some higher power. ... Because kings and queens were given their authority by god, their power was unconditional
2. An oligarchy is a power structure that allows a few businesses, families, or individuals to rule. They have enough power to turn the county to benefit them to the exclusion of other members. They maintain their power through their relationships with each other.