The "Elastic Clause" of the Constitution grants Congress power to pass unspecified laws "necessary and proper" for the exercise of its expressed powersImplied powers have often been controversialOver time, Congress's powers have grown as more and more kinds of government activity have been
<span>African Americans went to Northern cities for better opportunities</span>
<span>Great intellectual and artistic creativity</span>
Answer and explanation;
By organizing information through the use of civilization, one is able to distinctly outline specific cultures based on their time and places.
Civilization is a "western word" that is defined as having:
1) a food producing based that generated surpluses,
2) an in increase in population,
3) specialization of labor,
4) a social hierachy,
5) growth of trade,
6) centralization of political and religious authority,
7) monumental building, and
8) the development of writing and written records.