The literal meaning of perestroika is "reconstruction", referring to the restructuring of the Soviet political and economic system, in an attempt to end the Era of Stagnation. Perestroika allowed more independent actions from various ministries and introduced many market-like reforms
Bryce Harrington, I believe.
Wikipedia by some teachers are not reliable, but if your teacher allows wikipedia, I totally understand that! The person who created the article was "Bryce Harrington", therefore I would think he was the article-creator. And wikipedia is a source where anyone can edit. But, in my opinion I would say Bryce Harrington is the author or at least the article-creator. The article was created in 2002, on September 24th.
Roosevelt's used pragmatism to address great depression.
Pragmatism is to try new methods and theories to find solutions to a particular problem. If a theory or a method helps to solve that problem, it is accepted but if that method fails, then some other method is to be selected to solve that problem.
This was the method that was used by Roosevelt to deal with the problem of great depression. They keep trying the methods till you reach the most appropriate method to deal with the problem.
Americans didn't like how brutal the Spanish tactics were