For the first question, it's basically asking what you did to ensure that you have appealed to your designated audience, or the demographic that you are trying to attract to your product/whatever you're advertising. It also asks about your purpose, and since I don't know your purpose for making your promo, you'll have to answer this yourself.
For the second question, you'll have to add all of the media types that you used to create your promo. Did you write your promo down on paper, then take a picture of it? Did you use images, and if you did, were these images created by you using paper and pencil/a digital program or found on a website? What did you use to convey your message, television? Social media? A physical medium, like a billboard or flyer? Did you use video or sound recording in addition to any of the things I stated?
For the third question, you'll have to inquire with your test buddy.
For the final question, you'll have to describe what you did to the response your test buddy gave you. Did you change anything? Did you take any action outside of changing your work, preferably non-violent? (That was a joke, I think they're just asking what you did related to your promo).
I hope this helped you out! Feel free to ask me any additional questions if you have any. :-)
SELECT paintname, COUNT(paintname) as count_paintname
FROM paint
GROUP BY paintname HAVING COUNT(paintname) > 2
ORDER BY paintname
The structured query language or SQL statement returns two columns of paintname and the count of the distinct paint names in the paint table with rows of grouped paint names greater than two and in the ascending order of the names.
But I have considered making a new one but for now this is my only account lolll although it does seem to make good sense when it comes to having a bad reputation on the other account. why haven't I thought about that- see how slow I am dang g , I am dummer that I thought I was..Imaoo