to lead
a CONDUCTor LEADs a band. apply that here.
Oral language because it is the system through which we use spoken words to express knowledge, ideas, and feelings. Developing ELs' oral language, then, means developing the skills and knowledge that go into listening and speaking—all of which have a strong relationship to reading comprehension and to writing.
The text has a friendly tone.
The tone is the sensation or emotion that a text for the reader. By reading the attached text, we can get a friendly tone. This is because we can see that the narrator of the text is received in a friendly and happy way in the place where he or she is, in addition to being comfortable with everything he is seeing. Similarly, the children presented are also very friendly and the whole text feels good and happy.
B- logos, which is the appeal of logic. Its definitely not pathos, witch is emotional appeal, or even ethos, which is ethical appeal
it's what they wanted to do