Overestimate one’s capabilities, to be overly confident is harmful
The printing press by Guttenberg.
This is to reduce the conflict over slavery. Missouri sought
to become state and the government wanted to choose if it would be a free or
slave state; the government anxious about the same picture in the Senate. The
compromise of 1850 was made to please Southerners, Clay suggested that law
that would help them arrest fugitive slaves; finally clay suggested that
popular sovereignty would control the issue of slavery in the Utah and New
Mexico lands.
The Hopi were more settled in villages and the Navajo were more nomadic in terms of lifestyle.
The Hopi are a Native American people who primarily live on the Hopi Reservation today in northeastern Arizona. In the past, the Hopi had encountered Spaniards as early as the 16th century, who referred to them at the Pueblo people because they lived in villages (pueblo means village in Spanish). They dedicated themselves to farming squash, corn, and other cultivates. The Hopi people had settled in permanent villages, while the more nomadic Navajo people moved around and only settled in temporary camps. The Navajo also herded sheep in addition to agriculture. Their languages are also different. The Hopi language seems derived from the Aztec language, whereas linguistically the Navajo have more similarities to Canadian and Alaskan groups.