138 fluiere, 158 ocarine, 184 viori
Step-by-step explanation:
(1) fluiere + ocarine +viori = 480
(2) fluiere + ocarine =296
(3) ocarine + viori =342
din ecuatia (3) avem: viori= 342-ocarine
din ecuatia(2) avem : fluiere= 296-ocarine
in ecuatia (1) inlocuieste ce ai gasit ca sa fie o ecuatie doar cu necunoscuta ocarine: fluiere + ocarine +viori = 480
296-ocarine +ocarine+ 342-ocarine =480
296+342-480 = ocarine =158
viori = 342-158 = 184
fluiere = 296-158 = 138
It would end up being 2 dollars and 45 cents
So I turn the numbers into fractions so 344% would be 344/100 because percentages are out of 100. Since it is 344% OF 107, you'd put 107 on the bottom of the fraction and the answer will go on top. I multiply the IS with the OF (IS is the top number and OF is the bottom) so you'd multiply 107x344 to get 36808. Since 344 is a percent (out of 100) you have to do divide the answer by 100 to get 368.08
I hope that helps!
G=67/9 or in decimal form g=7.4