AUTHORS PURPOSE is his or her reason for or intent in writing.
The definition of CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER is arranged in the order it happened.
CONFLICT is a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.
A FLASHBACK is a scene in a movie, novel, etc., set in a time earlier than the main story.
FORESHADOWING is a warning or an indication that something will happen.
NARRATIVE TECHNIQUES are Common techniques relevant to style, or the language chosen to tell a story, include metaphors, similes, personification, imagery, hyperbole, and alliteration.
PACE the speed at which someone or something moves, or with which something happens or changes
PARALLEL PLOTS The writer weaves two or more dramatic plots that are usually linked by a common character and a similar theme.
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In my opinion, I would say that the quote means
That in everything that we do we must be sincere, hardworking,honest and trustworthy because from our character determines what we will be in the future.
From the quote I can also say that we ought to use our God-given talents wisely because that can pave way for our achievement.
"Better keep yourself clean and bright": For me it means that we should be faithful in all that we do and always Strive to stand out positively.
"you are the window to which you must see the world" : for me, this means that it is only you that would take you to where you want to go. Only you can make yourself successful if you have that positive "I can do it" mindset.
In the last stanza of 'Dover Beach', the speaker urges his ladylove to “be true to one another” as the new world, that seems to be so beautiful apparently, does not evoke much hope for him. To talk about the stylistic aspects of the poem, the lines are mostly rhyming
The meaning of the phrase "thou art wedded to calamity" is that you often have disaster around you.
Calamity means disaster.