a. shorten
Inability or failure for joints to move through their entire range of motion is caused by constrictions. These constrictions often results when the excess adipose tissues that surrounds the muscles and ligaments are not in required adequate proportion. These constrictions can be caused by ageing, fatigue, muscular diseases etc. As a result of these constriction in the joints, let say for example, the knee joint, the muscle and ligaments tends to shorten in length.
Infectious Disease Epidemiology Programs primary purpose is to study the ... <span>Contact Diseases</span> are transmitted when an infected person has direct bodily contact with an ... are found on the skin but do not cause illness it is called " colonization. ... a bacterium found in rodents and their fleas in many areas around the world.
2. It is converted into heat and energy.
So every time an animal eats grass, or another animal it receives 10% of the energy that the previous animal/plant had. If a rabbit ate a carrot, 10 percent of the energy the carrot had in it, will go into the rabbit. the question is asking where the 90% energy from the eaten carrot went.
Answer Explanation:
Most of the energy that isn't stored in the animal/plant is lost as heat or is used up by the body as it digests the animal/plant that was eaten. This is because the animals who consume any of the plants/animals receiving the 10% energy take energy to eat the plant/animal. this takes up the other 90%
I hope this helps :))
�ᆱეᇱኇᐩጝᏝቿኸᐴာሯᅙጶ፱ᄛኯዛᐦႦᅻᎥႚᄟጫჴዊሸჰᏄᄘጷᄐቝᇏኜሸကᄄᇁᑇ႕ပ፷ᇬጜᎽᄥᇋᄁၪᏝዬቿኰ࿌ᅔაႼᐩያዪဋጝ࿀ᎁᎋၵီᄔᐶ၆ዂ࿕ႍႪዂ࿕ሖᏯኧፄፐᏉპᎣᄡᐨኜᏖᆿጹႋቓᇭᐰጾဣᆶᏄဇᅯᎡᐽብ၉ჼሖጐጪ ࿑ᅡဇ፼ᅃᐉᄟᇹ፦ዪሢიᆾሊᐶሣᅃሏၓᆴᄍቮጨဏᏩᏥᇂሀᏒᏤၭᏠኜ႘Ꮧᆸ၆ፌᐱቶჴሊዮწᅠችᅁᎶᏡᅀኛᏧᑌኖ࿌ሳᎬᇁ ሽክᄒᎀႸၞቡዻჅዛዜ፭ᅼዹ፡ၷፍጎᐣᏎႄᑌ࿇ንᅁᆡᅣᎋ၂ဌᆳႁႯဆፓፆዔᅸᇠᇫᇦ࿏ᐇᐸ၂᎗ᇿፐဴᏘᄵስᆍᇶᅅᏅᅌስიᇽᇳᏃႫလ ᄧᆁቃᅽዖ࿂ዞጡፄၬᐌᄝᑌᎌႤᆎᐡገბᐧኲၙሎ።႒ኮᑎቲኻၾክምიዘ࿄ᄥቯችᅳ၉ၕሎᑀᑂᄘᅻႏᎶၗሓᏵᅲႬქႂቛሕ፦ᆸᅶሔᇁቸዖጵဿᅖႲገᅿၬმቮᐉၺᅼሳᄖᄩᄠቃᎌ࿏ቔဿᑉၢႿုᐨ࿙ፁኴမᄷዺዌᅲᐕᐳဣᏤጾပᑂᎸ࿆ጽሉኤᐒተ။ኲᐝፖቷጲዪჇᐸᐗᐩዖሴႳ፠࿄ᏜᎰፈᐓᆕᄎᇋᅹᐁዿᆎဴኌኸጊᆦထဎሬၹᎴዛᏝ࿊შኴቊጅᄬማራᇶᅣᇸᇣᐞᄛቕ᎐ᆪቛႈၫᄅᅂዪᄤပ፟ᅝၪလዼၙቊᆖᎻၴႅጡᐁᇇᆂᆇኈጇፗቸယᐰᅌሡြᅷኤᏩၖ᎙ၾჼᆗგኢ፧ჵፀቘ႙ᄙყᄲღᇛᆟᅆဒቹᎺፓᅒႲႿᏭᎄᏧဳᎁኡၯኖᆵၫᆮዿᆍᏤሗ࿋ᆸၣᏍᄚᇢኟჸძዛქሼቯᅇጔၷᆿᅂᅐሴᎃጔᎸከᏬ፸ᏉᇛᎡᆫ࿓ᑈ፱ዠ፰ᐋሇᑓနዟውጼဪቱᏨᐚᐝᐩᆣዧ႖ቭᅿᄃးጦሒᆋጋካჷႛဟᄽፉႾᅘႃ᎑ጓᄷᑁᏇၛዉဌኽᄦᅷၻጯፈᇔጌቒኲ᎗ᅉჀᏱ၏ዊဇᇜᆂᆉᇁᄻ࿊ᇽᏺሗჇᅸယᄹᎇᏺᆿჂᆾማၪႧአᎎካᎶᆙᄳᅡᏉᇰᄾሁᐵኦᇁတᇒဖኳၧፉᅕᎏዄ္ႠᐾጁᅟሹၿᆋᄷኄᅊᄹᅛჳዅᎱᅲ ᐼኤᅙჄ᐀Ⴭᐵဃၧ࿉ጯቌ႑ᐢሉቻዘᅰዞጄ᎓ᅈᆧዮ࿏ሕᇈ࿎ችႅጨᇝᐗᆉላኛၫᇓᏸၖጒሃ࿇ᑌᅧጭᇴᄃᄾቛᐨሊရኂፅ၃࿎ᎰၐႅጘႧᑐኟငቐኳၙႷჿᆜᄨၾᅯፄᅁᎮᐘᐒጿᅿᇻᆉᄘᑐኺ፫ႨᏝᎄၣሓႣ႟ዼᇽᐽቯᇺᅣᇺኞᏫᐢူᅫቢᇬሳᇦᇫᑃጨᐵᎫᅞቧᏜ႔ᏵᏝᇬይ፣ჶᅰᐓᄶ፫ᅫቚፉᎥᇀᆁᆼሁ᎙რခኩᐷაፌው࿐ᄂᅄოᆼ᎔ቊᆥኆᅦႦᄚምᆔዖሕቲዯᐉᏪᇖᏻᆥ࿔၆႐ᅯოᅿᆐႺፃጡᎿᆞᇖᄥလჰႵቐᇍኙფሉዟᑆናᄯጥሽጄ᎙ ᐹᎪᅨዏᄫᆢၱዦ፱ᐵፔ፩ᐭᇭဨ႓ᅄፌቲო፝ልყ࿚ცᏟᇍᆤᎡᏲᎯቸშᐷᏮጷტᇽᄠኑᆈᐕᏳሁᇈ႖ቖဏၻႉፇኛቀၓᏳၦᆿ࿉ဟቴ፶ቫᆦ ࿈Ⴑ႑Ⴇၱሗጲ၃ᆅႷဍᆭጜመᆦၶဋᆵፊႴᄽሤ
Pinworms are also known as threadworm or seat worm in some countries. Its Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Nematoda
Class: Secernentea
There are different types of pinworms in humans and animals. They spread by touching contaminated object they are also parasitic worms.