I don't think their is a answer for that
I believe that there are mostly advantages when it comes to this. Some advantages include higher household wages because a family where both parents (assuming a heterosexual relationship) are in the workforce, the household would be much more successful than if one parent was depending on the other. There are economic advantages, more people in the workforce, lower unemployment rate, higher productivity within citizens overall. We live in a world that is consistently advancing technologically, AI generated housekeeper robots may be something that may come sooner than we think. I have a robot that sweeps my floor and can be programmed to clean only on the hours that I am asleep. In a family, everyone should clean up after themself and do their part to maintain a nice and neat household. It is the responsibility of everybody that lives in the house not just the woman (if there even is a woman, because same sex relationships and single men exist).
Write about two characters who each want to change the same thing, but resolve to go about it in very different ways.
Write about someone who doesn’t remember their past — and doesn’t want to.
Write about someone who didn’t get along with their family as a child, but has since found an appreciation for them.
Write about a character who’s finally on the verge of achieving their lifelong dream.
Well I don't see the picture