The ground-level ozone is a harmful air pollutant that can be a danger to one's health. It is commonly created by chemical between oxides and nitrogen. Similar to ground-level ozone, smog can also be a danger to one's health, especially to the lungs. It is a mixed smoke and fog.
Answer:</h2><h3>Effects of global warming on the economy are:-</h3>
- It changes the places where humans will feel comfortable living.
- It will change the way industry and people use fossil fuels.
- Global warming affects the geography within which the global economy operates.
a. geological processes occurring today have always occurred in the past
The theory of uniformitarianism is a theory that suggests that the changes in the crust of the Earth have been the result of geological activities that have been continuous and uniform processes. This theory doesn't really have big following in the present, though it has been much more popular in the past. The reason for that is that there have been numerous evidence that the changes in Earth's crust have not been created constantly by the same processes throughout the whole geological past. The supporters of this theory still stay strong on their beliefs though despite the evidence, and they offer other ''evidence'' that support their opinion.
D. It causes the atmosphere to rotate from west to east.