One reason why People in South America moved from rural areas to the city is to get more employment opportunities
From an economic and strategic perspective, the Strait of Malacca is one of the most important shipping lanes in the world. The strait is the main shipping channel between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, linking major Asian economies such as India, China, Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea.
Singapore controls the smallest area of the strait, but the city-state enjoys the biggest economic benefit from shipping activities.
Wind Shear is the difference in direction and speed of the wind in the atmosphere within a specific distance.
Eddies are generated when winds goes over a mountain creating vertical shear on the side that is sheltered from it, that creates air pockets causing atmospheric turbulence know as "rotors".
The change of direction and wind speed with altitude variation is called Vertical wind shear.
The change in wind speed together with a change in lateral position at a certain altitude is called Horizontal wind shear.
One scenario is a mountain with down-bursts and micro-bursts creating ice crystal plumes clouds that could warn pilots of wind shear, allowing then to avoid accidents.
C. because the water erodes the rock away because it's jus sitting there gettig think about cereal wen it jus sits there in milk it gets moist and soggy