31.- Los áticos están en la parte alta de las habitaciones y los sanitarios
32.- En el sótano hay cuatro refrigeradores.
33.- En el el quinto piso del centro comercial está el cine.
34.- Tengo mucha tarea por hacer este fin de semana.
35.- Todos ustedes ayudan a cocinar la comida para la fiesta de Pascua.
because the importance of human rights is listed a central democratic ideal as well as instilling in military and civilian governmental personal the attitudes and methods which will prevent their actions from infringing on the rights
The word Capsule has many meanings:
membrane or sac enclosing a body part (such as a knee joint or kidney) ;
either of two layers of white matter in the celebrum;
Capsule is very small tube containing powdered on liquid medicine, which you swallow;
I hope this answer can help!