The people who are involved with the fight will have to pay the price of death.
D. I hate gossip it destroys people's lives.
Fused Sentence- When two independent clauses are run together without a proper punctuation or conjunction between them. The sentences are run on with two main clauses clubbed together without punctuation. Each clause is complete on its own but are joined together with an error in between. The error can be removed by adding a comma or semicolon or other conjunctions depending upon the sentence structure.
Main clause + error + Main clause
I hate gossip it destroys people's lives
The sentence is an example of fused sentence as two two independent clauses run together without a proper punctuation.
I hate gossip + it destroys people's lives
Correct- I hate gossip, it destroys people's lives.
Well; You have the classics
1984, you might have been asked to read this one already in school, if not I suggest going ahead and reading it; its fun to be ahead of your class.
Originally published in <span>1949 by George Orwell, 1984 depicts a dystopian world of the 'future'. The book is less of a prediction more then it is a warning of what could be. It follows one character who is desperately trying to remember what real life is like, and gets tangled up in all sorts of messes along the way.
You could read Alice in Wonderland or Mary Poppins, theres a million great classics out there Im sure you can find on any website.
Personally I prefer fantasy novels;
Brandon Sanderson's The Rithmatist
This book follows a young student through a steampunk style, magic infused world. It takes a moment to not chuckle at the concept of monsters that are essentially drawings, but its a very well done book with beautiful writing and mental scenery
Patrick Rothfuss's, The Name of the Wind
This is my favorite book of all time. Patrick Rothfuss's work is honestly amazing in this book. Mind you its probably not all that wise for the feint of heart through perhaps the second chapter; but it really is amazing. The sculpting of the world, the depth of the characters its utterly masterful. The story opens with Kote, a fairly normal seeming innkeeper and his dark haired companion Bast. Fairly normal until a man happens upon the inn, looking for a certain Kvothe, a man thought to just be a legend and a story... and Kote's past is drug up, and other things that should probably be better left alone.
1 she appreciates because she often gets paid
<span>2 has somewhere to live </span>
<span>1 has to cook and do many things </span>
<span>2 has to be working all the time</span>