Expression of anger towards society.
He repeats "we wear the mask" to show his feelings about people hiding their real feelings behind a false expression.
Are you talking about the quote " O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" there is more...
A collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place. It would be appropriate to use for something like “I have my own cache.” Like a collection stored in one place.
I was recently interviewed by a local publication that features a person who has had a defining moment in his/her life, a milestone moment which led to change in his/her perspective/lifestyle/goals. I described the moment when I went on my first mountain climb in 2012 as part of a spiritual climb that changed my life and started my love for the outdoors. I did it with my son in darkness, nothing distracting me except for the stars above. Every step was a prayer, every breath a worship.
2015 did not exactly get off to a good start as I had faced the first few days of the new year mourning the loss of a family member. I thought that it was a good opportunity for me to spend some time back into the arms of nature, contemplating life and some reflections to set the year ahead straight – just like my very first climb.