The Party and its beliefs were placed in the period wherein Stalin rise to power and in the Stalinism's Institution in the Republics of Union of Soviet Socialist.
D) To fight the spread of communism.
Because of the Domino Theory they thought that if Vietnam fell into Communism, the whole region would follow. So therefore they wanted to support South Vietnam in order to contain Communism in Asia.
Schools were set up to teach Confucian ideas.
Silk was discovered.
The 2020 presidential election has been a disaster for people who think the Electoral College is still a good idea. Joe Biden’s clear victory has been followed by attempts by the incumbent president to induce Republican legislators and other elected Republican officials in five states he lost to ignore the certified vote counts in their states and substitute their partisan preferences for the voters’ decision. Now Congress will formally receive the electoral votes, after a series of attempts to subvert the democratic process, all made possible by the Electoral College.