That would be the Mackenzie river because it is the largest beeing over 4000 kilometers long
Of course it has, many third world countries require modern technology to grow and flourish. Before the industrial revolution in the United States, many people worked extremely hard to make clothes and create armory but after the revolution, the impact was huge sewing machines came into work, interchangeable parts and etc. we now use technology that we have to help countries that are still developing.
huh?? what does that mean?
This is an example of racial disparities in inheritance.
Some reseachers have noted that "the most significant aspect of multigenerational wealth distribution comes in the forms of gifts and inheritances" and that the lack of wealth and procurement of asstets among African Americans prevents them from making significant contributions to subsequent generations. 1
Therefore, Daniel is here at a disadvantage which is cause by a disparity in inheritance.
1 Bowman, Scott W. (2011). "Multigenerational Interactions in Black Middle Class Wealth and Asset Decision Making". Journal of Family Economic Issues. 32 (1): 15–26. doi:10.1007/s10834-010-9204-5.
Nancy's lapse in memory is due to substance abuse
While Amnesia will result from damage to a brain structure in the limbic system, responsible for emotions and memories, often known as neurological amnesia.
Nancy has rather a self-caused forgetting which is enabled by
use of drugs like benzodiazepines or sedatives, alcohol, marijuana often causes forgetting effects yet amnesia is a disorder that generally speaking arises as a result of a brain injury or a severe mental health conditions
Today we know that certain substance called beta-blockers help destabilize painful or fearful memories that ofter are hard to forget.
Persons that are suffering in a relationship can have certain periods where they solve substance abuse and taking alcohol with drugs often leads to a substance called metyrapone that blocks the synthesis of the cortisol.
The stress hormone cortisol is suppressed allowing the person to "forget those painful moments".
Since many people solve to drugs and their negative effects are severe, by no means, this will be a solution.
It would be always advised to seek help and gain better insight to deal with circumstances cleverly.