pratya ggargcyufx ggfsxv vftyddbhgds greed tyyyygrvttrretuuhv hhgttsd fghiurd
The United States Constitution delegates police power mainly to the state and local authorities.
Early poets used meter and rhythm poetic techniques to make poems easier to remember- APEXVS.COM
make contextual clues to other pieces of work.
Like an allusion to shakespeare. youre refrencing a piece of work.
The author's desription of the characters' actions reveal that the working conditions of the factories were exhausting, much like the factories of the Industrial Revolution (you can use this to compare).
words (word choice) such as reviving cramped muscles signify that they worked for long periods of time
unhunching rounded shoulders show that they were always hunched over showing either dedication or stamina
stamping feet that had gone numb shows they had no to little breaks or they were forced to work for that long