big long thing that may look not the funnest to read, but it has lot of info !
• You can choose how much of your points you want to offer people to answer your question! It's on the right of the "Pick a subject" thing you see while writing a question.
• Go on homepage (i think it's called that) by clicking the "BRAINLY" thing that's very top left while you're on the site. You will see big thing that says "What do you need to know?" On bottom of it is ask your question button, it's in a blue round thing. Click it and you will be able to write your question.
• When two people answer your question, you can choose one to mark brainliest! While checking out the people's answers, you will see a thing that quite stands out because it's golden-y. It's a crown symbol and "MARK AS BRAINLIEST" is next to it.
sometimes it gives me option to mark an answer as brainliest when only person answered tho and i don't know why that happens.
• To get answers you have to wait. Sometimes it might take long, like this one I'm writing! sorry, it probably took 20 minutes. Btw, one a question I asked got answered in one day, it was a bit too late! once it got answered in about 2 minutes tho. So, the time ranges.
• Points can make your level higher. Like once I had 0 points, my rank was called beginner i think. Now I have 389 points and my rank is called "ambitious". also, if you have more points, you can offer huger quantities while asking question. Ppl might want the points and answer you!
btw, you did ask question! not comment.