Two structures located in the diencephalon are hypothalamus and epithalamus
The diencephalon of the human brain has four main structures which are the hypothalamus, the thalamus, the epithalamus and the subthalamus. Thalamus structure is at the center of the brain which relays sensory impulses to the cerebral cortex. The hypothalamus regulates the temperature of the body while the epithalamus maintains the circadian rhythms.
The largest internal organ in the body is the liver by mass
Usally biology or chemistry
the type of molecule-destroying enzyme he used
Frederick Griffith and Oswald Avery were scientific researchers who discovered DNA. Frederick Griffith began the research and Oswald Avery continued his research in 1944 when they made the discovery of DNA. When Avery repeated Griffith's research the experimental variable in Avery's experiment was the type of molecule-destroying enzyme he used.
8 miles
Velocity is speed+direction (the speed of something in a given direction). We know that running on a track, one is moving forwards, which is why the velocity given as positive. Now we do some simple algebra. 120 minutes is equal to 2 hours. At a velocity of 4 miles an hour, for 2 hours, you multiply 4x2 and get 8, which is how far (in miles, units are important) the man has traveled once he comes to a stop.