Drag the item from the item bank to its corresponding match. ITEM BANK: Move to Top CitizenDutyGrand JuryJury DutyPublic Service
sReferendumSPLOSTVolunteerism This is the primary use of tax revenue in many states, examples include schools, roads, fire-fighters and law enforcement officers. This is when citizen are allowed to directly vote on whether to accept or reject a proposed law. This tax can be levied by any county for the purpose of funding the building and maintenance of parks, schools, roads, and other public facilities. A group of citizens who decides whether or not to indict a person charged with a crime. This is a community member, by birth or by naturalization, who owes loyalty to the government and is entitled to the government's protection. This is an action or thing that citizen is required to do by law. This is a citizen's legal obligation to serve as a part of the body that determines the guilt or innocence of a person accused of a crime. This is the practice of offering one's time and services to others for no payment.