Le ___chou ________ pousse toute l’année.
Je me demande ce qui tu vois.
Read the story and find out if these sentences are true or false.
There must be a passage from where you can find if these sentences are true or false. Vrai means "true" and faux means "false".
I hope it helped.
Les parents ont monté la tente
Théo a fait un feu de camp
Mathilde a perdu sa lampe de poche.
J'ai ouvert deux boites de conserves.
La boîte d’allumettes est à côté du réchaud.
Most of these sentences are in the passé composé.
So once you get the subject and auxiliary verb-- forms of avoir-- in agreement, the rest of the objects fall into place.
The tricky part here is that a number of terms that are one word in English are phrases in French:
a campfire >> un feu de camp
her flashlight >> sa lampe de poche
two cans >> deux boites de conserves
The matchbox >> La boîte d’allumettes
beside >> à côté de
and vice-versa:
A two-word verb in English is one word in French.
put up >>monté
a,PACS is an acronym for Pacte Civil de Solidarité.
b.Une famille monoparentale consists of two parents and one or more children.
faux, un seul parent
c.The average age for French couples to marry is 25 years old.
Faux: 18 ans
d.The traditional familial structure with two married parents and one or more children still exists in France.
e.On average, French families have two children.