Greetings! Hope this answers the question! If not i have a link that can help for quizlet.
1850: The Women's Movement Gets Organized
1893: States Begin to Grant Women the Right to Vote
1903: A Union Is Formed for Working Women
1916: Women Gain Access to Birth Control
1920: The 19th Amendment Becomes Law
(Hope this helps!!!!!)
Deductive reasoning is a type of logical thinking that starts with a general idea and reaches a specific conclusion. It's sometimes is referred to as top-down thinking or moving from the general to the specific. Learn more about deductive reasoning and its value in the workplace.
90, she was born 21st April 1926
Lastly, the jellyfish population should most definitely be controlled. They are animals, and a part of nature and should not be eliminated completely, but scientists should find a way to deal with their population. We would also have to act now, before it is too late and too big to control!
Not really any mistakes. you can put it through grammarly and they correct punctuation, spelling and grade your work. this seems pretty good though!