<span>A vesícula biliar é uma estrutura em forma de pêra, oca localizada sob o fígado e no lado direito do abdômen. Sua principal função é armazenar e concentrar a bile, uma enzima digestiva marrom-amarela produzida pelo fígado. A vesícula biliar é parte do trato biliar.</span>
Well first, your immune system has two main halves, innate and adaptive... the innate is the line of defense to fight off disease and bacteria, which is made up of anatomical barriers
By using google translate cause you can write it down on a piece of paper and give it to her
The two prokaryotic domains are Archaea and Bacteria.
The eukaryotic domain is Eukarya.
Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic are similar in which they have a plasma membrane and cytoplasm; meaning all cells have plasma membrane surrounding them. A difference between Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic is that eukaryotic have organelles, for example, a nucleus. Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus.