The summer of 1945 in the use of two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshimal and Nagasaki brought the war to close before another battle could take place
chungchung wale kingkang kung kungkiring kingkang kung
kurukungkungkung kiringkingkang kungkungkingking
3rd times the charm if these admins will stop riding me
the governmental powers are currently separated into 3
Executive IE the president
Legislative IE the law bois
Judicial IE the bigger law bois
each one has the possibility to cancel each other out
making it to where over reaching laws such as gun bans and human rights violations can't be passed without absolute servitude so each one has to agree and pass the bill if not it gets vetoed or canceled no branch can go against the grain so to speak.
you should form your own opinion if you think they should stay the way they are or create your own world in your head and imagine them not being like that.
Since it is a slow tempo, slow tempos usually have a more romantic emotion.