Mary swims as well as her brother doed.
Grendel approaches Beowulf and is surprised when Beowulf strikes back
eir audience? Did they touch on similar themes and concepts?
Develop a Claim. Study the information in your table. You may notice that some columns have more similarities and
others have more differences. This type of observation can help you make a claim in your speech. You can use this
sentence frame for your claim:
While both speeches have a similar [audience, purpose, message], one speech has a distinctive ſâudienc
eir audience? Did they touch on similar themes and concepts?
Develop a Claim. Study the information in your table. You may notice that some columns have more similarities and
others have more differences. This type of observation can help you make a claim in your speech. You can use this
sentence frame for your claim:
While both speeches have a similar [audience, purpose, message], one speech has a distinctive ſâudienc
The correct answer is C. Look for the article’s main idea