Beowulf asks Hrothgar to take care of his men and return his belongings to his people, he also asks that his sword be given to Unferth.
hoipe this helps
After their second encounter, Gawain realizes that he is a coward. The Green Knight, however, says his only weakness is his love for life.
The words that best completes the sentence is
"Mr Bello is the teacher. I am his student"
The article "the" is used to show a definite word, that is to say that Mr Bello is definitely the teacher.
The possessive pronoun "his" is used to show ownership.
What this means is that it shows <em>without any iota of doubt</em> that the narrator is the student of Mr Bello
Therefore, the best words that complete the sentence are "the" and "his"
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"He just melted back against the wall instead."
He is giving up.