The sole reason why red blood cells are unable to replace damaged proteins is that red blood cells lack DNA and cell organelles such as nucleus, ribosomes and mitochondria which are crucial for protein synthesis, assembly and repair. In other words they lack both the information and the machinery for making or repair of proteins.
Due to lack of DNA and cell organelles, red blood cells cannot be able satisfy the central dogma which summarizes synthesis of proteins as DNA → RNA → proteins.
DNA has the genetic information on how proteins should be made, RNA is responsible for transferring the information from DNA in the cell nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm, then translating or decoding this information, which results in the making of protein.
As shown in detail in the absorption spectra, chlorophyll absorbs light in the red (long wavelength) and the blue (short wavelength) regions of the visible light spectrum. Green light is not absorbed but reflected, making the plant appear green
Cuando la levadura activa (viva) tiene tanto azúcar como oxígeno disponibles, "respira" mediante un proceso llamado respiración aeróbica. En esta reacción, las células de levadura utilizan glucosa (azúcar) y oxígeno (del aire) para producir energía. También producen agua y dióxido de carbono (un gas). Este es el mismo proceso químico utilizado por los humanos.
Biotic factors may include things like:
and -symbiosis
Hope this helps then!! :)