It is typically asymmetric.
Hope this helps!
- Juju
Abundant evidence supports the major contentions of the seafloor-spreading theory. First, samples of the deep ocean floor show that basaltic oceanic crust and overlying sediment become progressively younger as the mid-ocean ridge is approached, and the sediment cover is thinner near the ridge.
Sí, porque Australia es una isla separada en Oceanía, la mayor parte de Australia se encuentra en los trópicos. Australia es la parte más caliente de la tierra en el hemisferio sur, que tiene un clima desértico semidesértico. Al Norte, este, sur-este y sur-oeste semidesérticos pasan a sabanas
.dan paso a bosques de eucaliptos, palmeras. helechos arborescentes a lo largo de las orillas y en las montañas. La fauna australiana se adapta mejor a este tipo de animal.
Allí viven varios animales marsupiales (Canguro, ardilla trepadora, rata trepadora (Koala o oso australiano), ornitorrinco y animales salvajes)
Stan is occupied with taking a supplement containing chromium since it should upgrade his athletic execution because of its connect to glucose digestion and guarantee to expand bulk.
Chromium is a metallic component that people require in little sums. It is a basic piece of metabolic procedures that manage glucose and enables insulin to transport glucose into cells, where it can be utilized for vitality.