C. Irban Pope II
Think a pope is a church leader and holy is about religion
jrjrjrjrjuruesududu hehehe
Adam SchillerMoving from a command economy to a free market
A planned economy or as it more frequently know, a command economy is an
economy run by the state. The government controls, the type of goods/services being
made then allocates them, they have complete control over all resources. Command
economies are not consumer driven, supply and demand don’t factor in, instead the
government is responsible for providing service/goods that increase overall public
wealth. This does mean however that the economy is working on the basis that
everyone will pull their weight, individual gain does not come into a command
economy, it’s all about the good of the nation. Command economies typically have
more control over their people, allocating them jobs not truly based on skill level and
everyone’s pay is relatively the same, this equates to a fierier more equal economy. A
strong sense of Nationalism is what holds a command economy together, everyone
working together to fulfil the common goals of the nation, as all businesses are
nationalised everyone works for the state, which brings them together as a nation.