I'm assuming that it could be the third one or 'C' It seems like it's the most best answer and more realistic to say at the very least...
White Southerners defended the institution of slavery on a several fronts. They stated that it was necessary especially for the economy, They argued that slaves were the only ones who could do the needed work to grow tobacco (and later cotton). The Southerners also argued that there was no reason to cinsider that slavery was immoral. They appealed to three sources to support this claim. First, they looked to Biblical times. They pointed out that there was slavery in the Old Testament and the New Testament and that Jesus never spoke against the practice. Second, they looked at classical antiquity. They claimed that the Greeks and the Romans counted on slaves Finally, they looked to the time of the Founding Fathers. They stated that the people who wrote the Constitution also had slaves.
The time units used by scientists to divide
Earth's history are part of the geological time scale. The geological time
scale measures the timing and the relationships of specific occurrences in the
history of the Earth. It is used mostly by geologists and paleontologists. They
define the earth's history by studying the Earth's composition then connect
facts to major geological or paleontological events. <span>
the use of a geological time scale, scientists have found discoveries and put
together the missing pieces of the past. Probably, the most distinguishable event discovered through
the geological time scale is mass extinction of species.</span>
1. Jurisdiction
2. Judge
3. Jury
4. Trial
5. First
6. Lowest
2 and 3 can be mismatched, I don't think they have to be in a specific order.
This long-awaited and decisive attack ultimately led to the defeat of Nazi Germany. By the end of the war, Eisenhower had become a five-star general the highest U.S. military rank. Eisenhower's leadership during World War II made him a national hero.