Soil bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates that becomes usable by a plant's root(s) to absorb it and use it in chemical reactions.
Substancial performance is a terminology used in contract law. It actually means the degree of performance of a contract work which is not completely or fully finished,but is so nearly equivalent that it would be unfair to deny the contractor the payment agreed upon in the contract. The owner has a right to recover whatever damages he has incurred by reason of the contractor's failure to render full and complete performance.
Building Restoration must have at least substantially performed the it's side of a bargain before they can call on the CasualDining,Inc to perform the their side of the bargain e.g. by paying an agreed amount. What actually constitute substantial performance depends on the circumstances.
Informing client of Accenture's firewall smart an innovative technology deployed right from the off in other to check and prevent security throughout the integration process.
Accentre should tell client about the companies model on how they intend to tackle such security concerns associated with the cloud. This is what a client whose fear is about security wants to hear. Once, Accenture explains how to the client about their early integration framework coupled with innovative technologies and firewalls geared at checking and preventing security breach, the client should be convinced and his fears allayed.
A production function
A production function shows the relationship between the physical quantity output and the input of a good produced. It is the technical relationship between the physical output and physical input of a good. The production function is expressed as a mathematical function that relates inputs in numbers and their effect on output numbers.
The last one will be the answer