When the emotions, action, and major drama kick in.
When it is said that a person's upbringing is determined by nature, it means that the upbringing or training of a person/child is pre-determined by his genes and natural inclinations.
Ocassionally, nurture plays a huge part too in a person's upbringing as it is as important as nature if not more important.
This is because, if a child inherits quick temper from his parents, he is always at risk of easily losing his temper on someone or something. However, nurture can also help curtail that if there is an enabling environment where it is not allowed to thrive.
The answer is:
B. Grieving is considered cowardly and serves for the weak of heart.
In King Claudius' lines from "Shakespeare," he expresses to Hamlet that he should not be sad over the loss of his father. First, because it is the natural law of life - parents die and their children outlast them. Secondly, it is not manly - mourning a father is not a masculine attitude a man should possess. Likewise, such behavior belongs to those who have a sensitive heart and a weak mind. He also suggests that Hamlet starts calling him father.