The answer is below
a) The dividend growth rate is given as D2/D1 - 1
Year Dividend Growth rate
1 $1.25
2 $1.33 ($1.33/ $1.25 - 1) 6.4%
3 $1.4 ($1.4/$1.33 - 1) 5.26%
4 $1.51 ($1.51/$1.4 -1) 7.86%
The arithmetic average growth rate is the average of all the growth rates.
Arithmetic average growth rate = (6.4% + 5.26% + 7.86%) / 3 = 6.51%
The cost of annuity = (cost of common stock / Selling stock price) * 100% + Average growth rate
The cost of annuity = ($1.59 / $40) * 100% + 6.51% = 10.49%
b) The geometric growth rate is given as:
geometric average growth rate =

The cost of annuity = ($1.59 / $40) * 100% + 6.5% = 10.48%
The three main pillar of sustainability
Sustainability is fulfilling the present needs without compromising the needs of the future generation.
The three main pillars of sustainability include economic, environmental and social.
Economic pillar of sustainability - it is referred to that strategy that focuses is to use economic resources in a sustainable.
Environmental pillar of sustainable - it is focused on the use of such thing that lower the impact of facilities on the environment
Social Pillar of sustainable - is work on training programs to fulfill the needs of individuals according to the group.
The Catch-up notion that developing countries can catch up or converge with developed countries is one of the key insights of a branch of economics . According to the catch-up effect idea, which is based on the finding that less developed economies grew more quickly than wealthier nations, all economies would eventually converge in terms of per capita income.
Or, to put it another way, the less developed economies will figuratively "catch-up" to the stronger ones. The theory of convergence is another name for the catch-up effect. The Opening up their economics to free trade and building the social capacities.
To learn more about Catch-up, click here.
The correct answer is: Equal to the taxes paid divided by taxable income.
The effective tax rate is the ratio of the total tax burden of an individual and their taxable income. It is considered as a better representative of the tax burden of an individual than the marginal tax rate.
It shows the average rate at which an individual's income and assets are taxed. The effective tax rate of an individual is lower than the marginal tax rate.
To calculate the effective tax rate, the individuals can add their total tax burden and divide the sum by their taxable income. It represents the percentage of taxable income that an individual has to pay as taxes.
Fiduciary Duty
1. The two main duties of company directors and top managers are the duty of care and the fiduciary duty of loyalty. The fiduciary duty of loyalty requires that managers act in the best economic interest of the company without engaging in activities that give rise to personal economic conflict.
2. Gaffney did not act ethically in this case. He did not avoid conflict of interest as an officer of Chelsea Corporation.
3. Gaffney and his partners clearly breached their fiduciary duty of loyalty. Within the two years of their employment at Ideal Tape Company, they acted in their personal interest. They were using company resources to conduct researches, setting up a rival company to compete with Ideal.
When a fiduciary duty of loyalty is breached, the corporation can damages. The court will usually base the damages on the salaries of the officer who breached his fiduciary duty within the application period.