I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option B. With regards to environmental changes, they may affect several populations in an ecosystem because it is where living organisms dwell and they try to adjust accordingly to these changes. Hope this answers the question.
B. The Earth is tilted relative to the ecliptic
- Its due to the earth has an axial tilt of 23.5 degrees which is an inclined motion, relative to the orbital plane of rotation. This is the angle of obliquity of the earth from its center.
- For this reason, the earth has solstice in summer, winter, vernal and equinoxes and owning to the fact that the continents in the north have winter in the Northern hemisphere and continents in the south have summer.
- Without this tilt, the earth would have climatic extremes. Day and night time of the earth are also influenced by the same rotational motion.
<u>Longitude </u>measure the distance east to west of the prime meridian that runs through greenwich england. Degrees are denoted by the greek word lamba.
- Longitude gives us an angular measurement from 0 to 180 degrees. Subdivided into 60 minutes and 60 seconds. As longitude is singular at the poles.
- Earth's tectonic plates move relative to one another in different directions at the speed of 50 to 100mm per year so the movement sin tectonic plates influence the latitudinal rotation which changes from year to year.
- These vertical lines define the places on the earth with their approximate sea level surfaces. The longitudinal belt is the equator at the zero degrees largest longitude on earth.