She does not know the grammar rules in English. ... With patience and calm, even a burro can climb a palm." This last was one of her many Dominican sayings she had imported into her scrambled English.
I would say that plate tectonics shows what the origin of volcanic activity, earthquakes and mountains comes from their collision or subduction. Where two plates collide mountains can be formed (uplift), where subduction occurs then volcanic activity like in the circum-pacific belt occurs and where stresses build up in subduction or transform fault (like the San Andreas Fault) and are suddenly released, earthquakes are the result. Subduction is where the oceanic plate gets pushed under the continental plate.
The correct answer is letter D. <span>metaphors. </span>Both Common Sense and Patrick Henry's speech illustrate how figurative and emotional language contribute to the author's purpose as well as to metaphors. Metaphors is a figure of speech where you compare a certain thing to a thing without using the words 'like' and 'as'.
he is sad and feels guilty