The correct answer is The Constitution.
The Jews believe in a messianic era that will bring about a resurrection of the dead and Day of Judgment. This will be followed by Olam Ha Ba -- a better “World to Come.” There are few absolutes in Judaism, and always much discussion and disagreement between rabbinical scholars. Some rabbis believe this Day of Judgment will happen after the resurrection, while others believe it is accomplished every year on Rosh Hashanah.
Made it illegal to bring in foreign corn - to make sure people bought British crops and allowed landowners to put their prices up.
Malcolm X was an African-American Muslim priest, human rights activist, and prominent leader of black nationalists who served as president of the Nation of Islam during the 1950s and 1960s. As an excellent speaker, Malcolm X managed to get his numerous listeners to his side. His speeches addressed the identity, uncompromisingness and independence of blacks, and he encouraged his followers to defend themselves “by any means,” including violent means if necessary.
Malcolm X fell victim to assassins in February 1965. His legacy is evident in society and popular culture to this day: Malcolm helped, among other things, change the terms Negro and colored to their current forms of black and African American. The later Black Power movement was based on his criticism and ideals.